Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Seven Day Journey-- Week 2 Organization

The Seven Day Journey has come to a completion. The only real completion for the Journey was, The Seven Days. This Journey consisted of organizing a piece of my life everyday for 7 days. Here is what I learned on this Journey. Organization is low on the priority list. In the last entry, I mentioned how my life is not set up for routine. It was painfully evident this week. The last week has consisted of mini emergencies. A client has collapsed twice and been sent to the hospital. Car Dealership I drive for, needed me twice in 7 seven days. Usually it's once every 3 weeks. Both house pets had trauma. One on Friday the other on Saturday morning after just 3 hours sleep from taking care of the first one. If that weren't two clubs had meetings in that 7 days. So there are action items that had to be dealt with. That is just the extra added time fillers this week.
Back to the organization...It started off rocky..Last week Thursday I had to drive to California. When I got back home the electricity had gone out. You may have heard about a four state power outage due to a careless worker at a sub-station in the county of which I reside. It was National News. Power came back on about 9pm. That day was pretty much a wash. So I had every intention on completing 2 tasks on Friday. My vehicle and my closet. Because everyone lost power, the schools were closed. My friend had to find something to do with her girls. I invited them swimming. There is a nice pool here that never gets used. By the time they left I was ready to get down to business. I think I even started on my vehicle, but lost my steam. It was pretty hot. I was going to wait until it cooled down and I could be outside comfortably. Managed to get my vehicle cleaned out. Was 20 minutes too late to get it washed and vacummed. Went and bought a pair of Windshield wipers. Had the 2guys hauling a big TV to their car show me how to install them. So 7AM I was going to the carwash to have vehicle cleaned. Missed my 48 hour deadline push to get the last blog up because that was the night my pup started acting crazy. I figured out what the problem was about 10PM. He bit me. His hinney was very sore. He was pulling his fur out. It looked bad. By the time I figured out how to make it feel better and get some sleep it was after 3AM. Remember I had to be up at 7AM and at the car wash. I had a club officers meeting at the house at 10AM. Nothing like being under the gun when the stars are aligned and all falls into place. Try it when Murphy's Law is just hitting it's peak. Made it to the carwash. Good was clean for the 3 rain storms we had this week. Got home and was getting ready to have meeting...when the other pet started flying around like the house was on fire. If you have ever had to deal with a crazy 30 year old parrot, then you know it's about catch and contain. Normally I can just pick the bird up and close his door. That was not happening. Why would the bird want to co-operate? Nothing else was. Had the meeting, I think. Had a up and blogged and started another organizing project. The clothes in my closet. By Saturday night my closet looked like it threw up in the house. Sunday was 9/11 and I was going to stay home in rememberence. And get my closet done. I stayed home, I put outfits together. I made a list of missing garments to complete my looks. I cried watching specials and dedications. I did not get my clothes put away. Sunday was a day of Rest and Rememberence. That night my client called me again for my services Monday-Friday. Monday started slowly. Had normal chores and errands, took care of my client that was not doing very well. During dinner with client, car dealership askes me to make another California run for Tuesday morning. I said no because my client had to go to the DR's. Client said someone else could drive them to DR's office. Left Tuesday morning on my drive. Client collapsed and had to go to Hospital. I felt bad. The spouse of client asked me to stay overnight, until they could get home Wednesday afternoon. After my Tuesday night club meeting, I went back until about 8AM next day. Went home did chores and back for lunch until about 2 hours before spouse got home. Another day of no organization. Client was up all night. I am not a professional caregiver. But I can do qualified mom stuff. Basically that is what this gig was. Until this week. Home Health Care will need to step in now. Last time I mentioned how I was 24 hours late getting the blog out. I decided to jump on it today. I still have to complete my 2 training webinars today. Get my materials ready for another club meeting tonight. And start my next Seven Day Journey. I still owe you 5 and a half organizational projects. I'm going to tackle one a week until I complete all seven of them. This week I will finish the closet and start another for next weeks journey. Organization has to be in small doses. So the 7 day challenge will be to do something for my club everyday, of which I am President. I am letting my members down by not being on top of my e-mails and sending my positive energy. I have 2 events in October that require many action items from me. So I've got to start the marketing plan and boost everyone's moral. Get flyers out, collect basket donations for raffle. Prepare for meeting tonight. Prepare for meeting in California I volunteered to help with. This club is for self improvement. And I'm currently working on the leadership track.
I'm very busy today. So I have got to run. Come back next week and let's discuss how the journey turned out. And find out what I learned.
Also give everyone you love a really big hug. You never know who needs it more, but it will always be appreciated.


  1. There are weeks when any baby step has to be cherished, and this sounds like one of them.

    Fellow Beginning Blogger campaigner here, finally getting to my rounds of blog visits. Thank you for the reminder about hugs--it's a good thought!


  2. Ahh. Closets. I look at mine, check out your progress and ...? You're further ahead than I am. Well, here goes. I too will see if I can organize. Or rather, keep it organized once I get it back into shape.
